Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Black Ops 2 is Battlefield 3?

      Battlefield 3 brought stunning futuristic techno to the gaming world. But will COD 9 implement the same gear. Its hard putting out a game like COD 9 after Battlefield 3 came out. Since most of the guns in Battlefield 3 are somewhat futuristic, and Black Ops 2 is also futuristic; it will implement the same guns?

      Now this could cause problems with people saying that they ripped off Battlefield. But, since most of the guns should not be real{as far as we know}, then there's no problem? After all COD 9 should feature the dragonfly {Rc Quadracopter}with a pretty chain-gun on it. In the trailer it blew up a car with a few rounds, does this make it the first Black Ops 2 over powered kill streak? Finally, in the trailer i also looked at some semi-auto rifles. Are there going to be the same amount of rapid-fire modders as previous Call of Duty's?

      Hopefully not.


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