Sunday, September 16, 2012

Black ops 2 BETA LEAKED!

Rumor: ‘Black Ops 2′ Beta files leaked onto the internet
A Stick Skills reader and Twitter follower, @lazer789, sent us two interesting pictures and a tidbit of information regarding what may be Black Ops 2 beta files that have somehow made their way onto the internet. In a few tweets directed toward our account, we received two images of the Black Ops 2 beta main menu, and the same main menu with the Xbox 360 guide overlayed on top.
Lazer789 also has sent us a link to the download of the beta files, however upon visiting, it brings us to a Xbox modding forum which has registrations disabled, so we cannot confirm the authenticity of the files at time. We will not be sharing the link to protect Activision and Treyarch’s game.
We will leave this story as developing if we learn any new information from our source, or if any new information spurs up on the internet. Until then, let us know your thoughts on these images, and if you think they are real or fake. Discuss in the comments below.
Update: Video of the Black Ops 2 Beta booting up has been leaked onto the internet. The video is embedded below. 
Update 2: The video has been pulled by Activision and is no longer available.

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