Saturday, September 29, 2012

Call Of Duty Civil War

I heard a discussion on a podcast today about why the American Civil War rarely gets used as a setting for FPS war games (in the context of joking about the next Call of Duty). A couple of points I thought would make for interesting discussion:

1. Call of Duty games generally "pick a side" in a conflict. Is it an absolute certainty that the Yankees would be the side picked? Would it be to un-PC to play on the confederates side?

2. Would the ingame dialogue be to un-PC? In the latest COD games, there is a lot of questionable dialogue using racial slurs (no doubt accurate to the time / setting), could it be done if a game was set in the Civil War?

3. (Recalling the Iraqi kid who got internet famous for whinging about COD4), would you be up

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